

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


First of all, I 'd like to say..
Chinese New year is around the corner!
Without my sis, my family is not considered as completed. :(
Some more my final exam is coming soon..Therefore, I got no special mood to celebrate it.
Hmmm, the feeling is sound boring ! And I just realized that not everything you have to insist until the end. meaningless.

All right! We should live more healthy with a lot of smiles.

instead of sad ..!

Lastly, for those who care about me, wish you guys happy new year & forever young ! ^^

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011










这样一晃眼,就要say goodbye了。



Monday, January 17, 2011

18 Jan

It was another awesome day for us...
As usual, I woke up around 6am and we gathered at the roundabout there at 6.45am. However, we did not start off on the punctual time due to some of the people still being late. At the end, we waited them until 7.30am just start our journey to Tanjung Bidara. I have never been there so I was still looked forward to the beach.

First, we learned how to fell down with protecting ourselves. I was not dare to fall down at first because it take a lot of courage. I was afraid and fear to fall down purposely. Therefore, after I tried a few times, I got more courage to fall down. After that, sir requested us to fall down one by one. We consecutive fell down one by one like the failing dominoes. I bet someone took video for us? By the way, I am looking forward to watch the video! It will be a memorable video for us. After that, bla bla bla................

In a nutshell, I like taekwondo..

My dearest friend-Jessie. she is pretty and cute.

My beloved sisters.........❤ my Bff ! We meet once a year, but we never felt strange while we start to talk, chat or what. And they are always remember me even though they went travel or study abroad. After met them I received a lot of souvenirs from many countries. I appreciate them. badly . friendship forever!

Recently, I fell in love with this kind of hat! think that it 's kinda cool stuff for me.haha
And I found that I cant shop at melaka again.nothing can buy anymore! boring design of clothes, shoes, bag and ..whatever la .nothing can attract me except satey celup! LOL

Therefore, I 'm gonna save my money and not going to spend too much for new clothes for CNY.
blaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....that 's all !
good night , my world .

Thursday, January 13, 2011

8th Jan 2011

I fell in love to sticky candy since 2010 June, after read through xia xue 's blog. It 's really awesome! seriously! One of the reason it attractive me is because I love hand-made stuff ! badly..


The process of making a sticky candy is so troublesome! therefore, I won't bargain for the price since it is worthiness. RM14.50 each bottle.

Personally, I like this flavour which is lime. sour + sweet !

When I spot sticky candy in Pavilion, I was sooooooooooo excited!
Due to the reason that I 'm lazy to go Clarke Quay.......and not enough time also.hehe
In a nutshell, I just wanna say ...I like sticky candy ! ❤

And first visit to the Uniqlo.but I din buy anything over there.

After that, went back melacca...satey celup as dinner again.
No more time can blog anymore as I m going back hometown soon!
bye !

Sunday, January 9, 2011




今年,是我们认识的第九年了 :)

我们永远都会是无话不说的好朋友对不? :)


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

An extremely hectic week

For the sake of my assignments, I gave up the sing K plan with my classmate last night even though they were date me out rarely.not least the midnight outing! but then im gonna regret now...I just wish to take a rest and go out without any reason. Just wanna take a breath before the deadline for the assignment.Being a leader is always made me feel like a....a lot of pressure beside me. Under the pressure is really ...Arghhhhhhhhh I want pleasure but NOT pressure. Attempt to get rid of the pressure and try to live neutral. I should think optimistic but not pessimistic. Perhaps it could be a good chance for me to enhance my leadership skill?well, I hope so. Also, since I 'm so hardworking and put a lot of effort on my studies.So, do I deserve to get the good result of my studies?

'Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work.'

Hence,I 'm going to attempt the impossible for the sake of improvement! God bless me......!

* the first day of 2011.slept over my dearest 's home.Before I come over her house, they all prepared the chocolate steamboat with champagne. Omg!No doubt. It was really awesome! the chocolate is thick enough and the strawberry, kiwi, banana and even the marshmallow ..nice 1 !

After that, 孔明灯again.. Did the same thing during the last year.Wish our dreams come true..❤

In a nutshell, I hope my life will getting smooth than previously. And the stress will fade away with the passage of time.welcome,2011!


第一名:狮子座 (代表人物:陈逸嬬)

2011年狮子终于明白不一定要拥有光鲜耀眼的生活才是幸福。不 去渴求时刻的引人注目和羡慕会让狮子的内心对幸福观放宽了要求。而幸福这种事情就好像是流 沙,越想要抓得紧就越是会从手中流失,如果能放松一点对待反而会好很多。狮子在平静地生活中默默努力,2011年末,狮子的所有努力都会得到回报,狮子会 突然出其不意地发现自己竟然已经乘坐在幸福头等舱里了。

第二名:射手座 (代表人物:杨惠琪,我姐姐,我弟弟)

2011 年的射手再也不不需要去寻求刺激和追逐新鲜感了。因为2011年的射手会发现自己的伴侣原来才是对自己而言永远充满新鲜感的那个人,射手只想要花 一生一世的时间去探索恋人身上的新奇点。一切变得那么美妙,射手的每天都丰富而有趣,恋爱使射手的心情每天都很舒畅。沉浸在甜蜜幸福中的射手对事业十分有 冲劲。2011年射手的生活就好像是一棵旺盛的夏树,而这棵树上缀满了饱满的幸福叶子。

第三名:处女座(代表人物:林莞晶 就是我!)

2011 年的处女终于迎来自己豪华完满的幸福。处女对幸福的标准一向有很严肃和细致的苛求。无论是多么完满的生活处女也能够挑出刺来,而2011年的处女 却对自己的生活无法挑出毛病,基本上2011年处女总算可以获得自己期待中那种完美无缺令众人羡慕的爱情,一切都和处女想象的童话世界一样美妙。处女将在 2011年登上幸福头等舱,站在甲板上的处女会感到心旷神怡。

第四名:天蝎座 (代表人物:林凯虹)

2011 年的天蝎发现事业和生活都一帆风顺。原本平静的生活已经充满了幸福,而一切又在此基础上天蝎的生活质量又更上一层楼了,天蝎觉得自己的生活被蜜糖 灌满了。所有的事情似乎都在按自己的意愿发展,理想也有了实现的可能性。而渴求完满的爱情也不仅仅只是一个梦。在2011年里遇上令自己心仪的另一半是天 蝎最大的收获,幸福的爱情像花朵一样绽放,一切都那么顺利,天蝎感到春风得意。

第五名:双鱼座 (代表人物:我爸爸)

2011 年双鱼的家庭会非常和睦。未婚的双鱼和父母之间的关系变得很亲密,双鱼的父母能感受到双鱼的孝顺和体贴,而双鱼自己也更懂得该怎样去回馈父母的养 育之恩。双鱼和父母之间的互动变得很多,双鱼肯和父母谈心,说自己的事业说自己的爱情。已婚的双鱼夫妻之间也相处和谐,很少有争执发生,相敬如宾的关系让 夫妻双方都感到婚姻的幸福,即便生活略微平淡,但双鱼幸福感十足。

2011年我们都会过得很幸福 :)